Drug information
General information for all drugs and small molecule components that are included in Promiscuous 2.0, including:
- P(romiscuous)ID
- Name
- Type
- Smiles
- Inchi
- InChIKey
- Molecular formula
- Molecular structure file
Target information
General information for all targets that are associated with drugs in Promiscuous 2.0, including:
- Uniprot ID
- Name
- Type
- Uniprot Identifier
- Gene name
- Organism
Drug target interactions
The complete list of drug target interactions in Promiscuous 2.0, consisting of:
- P(romiscuous)ID of the interacting drug
- Uniprot ID of the interacting target
- Pharmacological action
- Interaction value
- Interaction unit
The complete list of side-effects in Promiscuous 2.0, consisting of:
- P(romiscuous)ID of the drug
- Side-effect name
- Side-effect frequency
Predicted targets
The complete list of predicted targets in Promiscuous 2.0, consisting of:
- P(romiscuous)ID of the drug
- Uniprot ID of the predicted target
- lambda
- e-value
Drug ICD-10 mapping
The complete list of drug-/ICD10-interactions in Promiscuous 2.0, consisting of:
- P(romiscuous)ID of the drug
- ICD-10 category
- ICD-10 category name
Target ICD-10 mapping
The complete list of target-/ICD10-interactions in Promiscuous 2.0, consisting of:
- Uniprot ID of the target
- ICD-10 code
- ICD-10 category name
Drug ATC mapping
The complete list of drug-/ATC-associations in Promiscuous 2.0, consisting of:
- P(romiscuous)ID of the drug
- ATC code (level1-5)
- ATC category name (level1-5)